Tuesday, July 29, 2008

A non-eventful day

As you can see Fifi treasures her treasures... Hahaha!

Even though it is black and white she still has a shiny forehead...

It's past mid-day and Fifi and I are just sitting in the ballroom watching the clients dance they're hearts away. It was a non-eventful day for us. Rather boring if I had to be honest. I am not to sure why this was but Fifi was not able to sit still. Wierd one right? She kept on standing up and sitting down all the time.

Anyway later that evening I headed over to Sunny Low Studio to pick up Mami Aleena. She was quite busy preparing for the Singapore Flyer. Along with that she had to go to People's Park to the Money Changer to change some $ into pounds.

And then we finally arrived at the Singapore Flyer. Unfortunately to me it was not such a big deal. Although it looked grand and such it was not really anything special. The london eye is still way better than this. But of course it's a first time experience for the people in Singapore so they should enjoy it whilst they still can.

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